The Team Information Handbook for
CF02 is now available for download as an Adobe Acrobat document.
Please read carefully as it contains valuable information
about the event. A hard copy will be available for Team Managers when
they visit the event office, as requested in the handbook.
The Championship Rules are available
for download as an Adobe Acrobat document.
Enquiries regarding the rules should be directed to
the Chair of the Directoire Technique, John
If you use an asthma medication that is permitted with
notification, please complete these steps:
Ensure your notification is up to date with your National Sporting
Bring a copy of the notification form with you to the Commonwealth
Fencing Championships.
If you are drug tested, provide the Drug Control Officer with the
copy of the notification form to attach to the doping control paperwork.
Accredited CF02 Family
The event venue conditions and good management of the
Commonwealth Fencing Championships 2002 require accreditation. There
are three categories: Athlete, Team Official and Team Supporter.
Accreditation will be supplied as follows:
On payment
of entry fees
and confirmation of bona fide official position by member country
of CFF, and listing on official entry.