
As all of you are aware, delegations attending CFF formal Championships need no longer supply referees according to the number of fencers they have registered. The CFF now invites and provides top-level referees, both from Commonwealth nations and other FIE nations, and has done so successfully for a number of years now. This program is subsidized by claiming a refereeing levy from participating federations, based on the number of entries they have submitted. The Executive Committee of the CFF has approved a levy of ?47 per individual (not team) entry in the case of the upcoming Junior-Cadet Championships in Cape Town, South Africa. Please note that the organizers will be collecting this levy on behalf of the CFF.

Please note that, following the recent FIE decision to suspend the use of Leon Paul LP epee blades, type SR-1 with the V-profile, involved in a recent incident at an FIE event, the CFF Technical Commission has decided, in the best interest and for the safety of all our competitors, to follow suit and also disallow their use at the forthcoming CFF Junior-Cadet Championships in Cape Town, South Africa. Therefore be advised that no weapon bearing these blades will be accepted at weapon check.

This decision does not extend to the bayonet connection body wires, also subject of a ban by the FIE, as CFF competitions do not make use of wireless apparatus and the issue is not safety-related.

Congress was held on 9 November 2014 in the Menzies Hotel, Irvine, Scotlan. The Minutes are available in pdf format.

The Commonwealth Veterans Fencing Association was wound up at a meeting in Largs. In its place, veteran fencing will be the responsibility of the Veteran Commission of the CFF.<br><br>John Crouch has been elected as its chairma of the new Commission, and he would be pleased to hear from any fencers who have suggestions about improving the running of future event: he can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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